Towards Net Zero

15 Jul 24

Over the past few years, we have been taking practical steps to both reduce our own Carbon use, and also reduce the amount of carbon being used by our buildings. Our own Carbon use is broken down by Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, whilst our designed Carbon, focusses on a wide range of strategies from reducing the need for carbon through a fabric first strategy, using solutions that minimise energy in use, specifying products that are lower in embodied carbon where possible and creating the opportunity to re-use either through retaining buildings or allowing re-use of our materials at the end of life.

The first step in improving our internal performance is through setting a baseline for our carbon reduction strategy. Using 2023 as our base year, we are implementing active measures to reduce this and hope to see the results improve when the 2024 data is re-run in early 2025. Of current baseline date is as follows: